

Corporate Governance

Functional Committee

The Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee are both composed of three independent directors, described as below:

WANG Hui-Hsien

Independent Director

PwC Taiwan - Partner Accountant


YU Ming-Shyang

Independent Director

ECOVE Environment Corporation - General Manager


YANG Wei-Lian

Independent Director

CTCI Corporation - Senior Associate


Audit Committee

The audit committee is composed of three independent directors. Its main purpose is to supervise the following matters:

1. Proper representation of company financial statements
2. Evaluating the independence and performance of certified public accountants, and the selection and dismissal of them.
3. The implementation of the company's internal control.
4. The adoption of laws and regulars that relative to company business.
5. The management of the existing or potential risks.

Remuneration Committee

The remuneration committee is composed of three independent directors. Its main purpose is to better the remuneration system of the board and company managers. To evaluate the remuneration system with professional and objective point of view.