
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Principles

In order to promote the sound development of the company and establish a good corporate governance system, Bo-Re-Tech has established「Corporate governance principles 」.To protect the rights and interests of shareholders, strengthen the functions of the board of directors and independent directors, insure the rights and interests of parties-of-intreset, and improve information transparency.

Internal Policies

Base on「Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies」We have established internal control policies. Implement and review in a timely manner to respond to changes in the internal and external environment and ensure that its implementation continue to be effective.
The implementer of interanl control policies shall self-assess it's effectiveness. the board of directors and department manager shall review the inspect result and audit report annually. The audit commitee shall review the audit reports on a regular basis, make records and track improvements.
Bo-Re-Tech empowers audit personnel with sufficient authority to check, evaluate if there is a deficiency in the internal control systems and make sure the internal control systems can be continuously effective.

Corporate Governance Officer

Bo-Re-Tech has appointed the Corporate governance officer to take action the following duty:
1. Manage company registration and change registration
2. Manage matters related to the board's meeting and shareholders' meeting. And assist the company to comply with the relevant laws and regulations.
3. Prepare the minutes of the board of directors and shareholders' meetings.
4. Provide the information and latest law and regulation required by directors and independent directors to carry out business, assist directors and independent directors in complying with laws and regulations.
5. Manage matters related to investors.
6. Manage other matters in accordance with company or the board's decision

聯絡電話:+886-6-6233-306 ext.205

Ethical Corporate Management Principles

In order to maintain the corporate culture and company's development , we have established「Ethical Corporate Management Principles」rules that Directors, managers, employees, appointees and any other business executors should conduct business with ethics and integrity, and shall not directly or indirectly offer, promise, demand or accept any undue benefits , or make other violations of ethical management.
Our business operations abide by the Company Act, Securities Exchange Act, Business Entity Accounting Act, Political Donations Act, Anti-Corruption Act,Government Procurement Act,Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest, or other laws and regulations related to company business conduct.
In order to implement the principle of integrity management, we have established「Ethical Corporate Management Operating Procedures and Code of Conduct」To define the matters that the directors, managers, employees, appointees and any other business executors should pay attention to.

Internal Audit

Bo-Re-Tech has set up an internal audit unit subordinate to the board of directors. Company and each subsidiaries set up an audit supervisor and an appropriate number of full-time internal auditors in accordance with the company's scale, business conditions, management needs, and other relevant laws and regulations.

The internal audit unit executes its work according to the audit plan, which is formulated according to the risk assessment results and approved by the audit committee and the board of directors. Internal audit unit should make audit reports , track improvements and present the report to independent directors. The reslut of audit plan shall be reported to the audit commitee and the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis or as necessary.

The internal audit unit should reviews the self-inspection performed by each department of all subsidiaries, including checking whether the operation is carried out, reviewing the documents and summarize the result to report to the audit committee and the board of directors. The report can be basis of the internal control system statement.

Appointment & Removal of Internal Auditors

The appointment and removal of the internal audit supervisor shall be approved by the Audit Committee and submitted to the Board of Directors for resolution. The appointment, dismissal, evaluation and remuneration of internal auditors shall be signed by the audit supervisor and reported to the chairman of the board for approval.